In our brave new world, beautiful flowers will no longer be the exclusive domain of the bourgeois, bougie & Elton John. Flora is on a dedicated mission to provide the masses with a variety of floral threats accessibly & affordably. Join us & rise up! Together we can grow something, whatever.
Flora flowers don't wilt under your intense gaze. They stand tall & express themselves in a riot of brilliant colour, eccentric form & take-no-prisoners spunk. Our flowers don't stand around waiting to be admired. They shout at you to look around and see the world for what it is. A chaotic & violent place.
This is why we work exclusively with carniverous plants that cause bodily harm. These include the Venus Flytrap, Cobra Lily, Giant Montane Pitcher Plant, Australian Sundew & Parrot Pitcher plant.
White roses for your special day? Bitch, please. Our flowers say FUCK YOU. They will bite you if you try to smell them.